This is ridiculously good… 🌕

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This one. ✨

Well, I love them all. This one, I shared with many. As we feel into this place of anxious as well as complete peace, the way in which an epic volcanic explosion reinstills grand nutrients to the soil … we turn our hearts to these times. Thank you for the words and sentiments.

You are a lovely space holder for us humans. Thank you. And though you and I are not living in our own home countries, we feel it all. May god and of course, the moon, be with US.



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I have always been in love with the Moon. She has spoken to me since I was a very young child. As a young woman I was given a Sioux name, Hanhepi Wi, or Moonbeam. It's always a reminder that I can, we can, be the light in the darkness.

Thank you for this elegant telling of our history, lit by the moon herself. You, too, are a light in the darkness. 🌝💖✨

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Read this a few times, gives food for thought.

, thank you. Let's all go and paint the sunrise for who can tell the ages of the moon? Who can tell the place where the sun rests. Amairgin's children.

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Thank you Nick. BTW, being a "nobody" who spends his days with the land and with animals is the most glorious existence I can imagine. Congratulations:)

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Your work struck me as something Lewis Carroll would have liked ("Alice in Wonderland") .

and in response I cribbed from the Irish myths. Amairgin,

when he ‘placed his right foot on the land of Erinn’ composed this song:

I am the wind which breathes upon the sea,

I am the wave of the ocean, etc.etc.

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As i read this i hear the echoes of inspiration from your class with Josh. You were made for storytelling... so many of us are, yet so many often forget to remember or even to listen to and learn the stories. Hats of to you for listening, wanting to remember and retell 🙏🌄

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As others have said, this is lovely. Thank you for being you. ❤️

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This has to be one of your most beautiful writings to date.

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Love this

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Yes 🙏🌕🌀🖤

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