Jun 29Liked by Gregory Pettys

It took me a while to realize that the voice I was subvocalizing this beautiful piece with was the audiobook narrator for Charles Eisenstein’s Climate: a New Story. What poetry! What gravitas! What truth!

Today an older friend, and fellow Creekmason, remarked that he was experiencing some fear and self-loathing as a result of seeing his own elderly shadow projected onto the nakedly incoherent Biden. He noted that what the world seems to ask of the old is to do nothing but putter about and notice little things.

“Or at least I find that’s all I want to do.”

I think that’s a shame. Perhaps if we as a society gave a clearer message to the elderly about the roles we need from them, people like the sitting president wouldn’t cling to these pointless games of power. Maybe if we honored the true elders we do have, a million year old life long civil servant could spend his time cultivating some kind of virtue or spiritual understanding.

Rad Dass used to say that when you age, your hearing goes, your vision goes, it’s harder to move… it’s as if we’re being pushed toward meditation via the perfect natural conditions!

Maybe we need a second college, as Jung suggested, for those approaching the back half of life. One that prepares us for the turn inward and the contraction and fills us with appreciation for everything that can be discovered once the illusions of default reality become plain.

Maybe we could learn to farm there.

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Have you thought about voting for Jill Stein?

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I have! Would you mind sharing with us what you like about her?

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I like that she's articulate, that her heart is in the right place, that she was arrested for supporting university students demonstrating against Palestine, and I think she has the maturity and wisdom to be a very good president.

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I do hope we will soon see actual live debates with all potential candidates. Seems fair.

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A lot to digest here. Much resonates with me. I ignore the political fiasco that is the presidential election. I have many elder friends. There is still much here to consider. I'm walking the edge.

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Jun 29Liked by Gregory Pettys

Thank you for this truth.

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As your homestead holds an open door for your community, I thank you for your open door of reality placed here amidst the turmoil’s of our age. Thank you for bringing forward the larger story of our own Earthen diplomacy – reminding myself of the stories told by our others locality have a stronger will…

The possibility of stepping out from the ‘system’ at work - in our faces, on the news - plaguing minds and social stories… this is a beautiful reminder that we can be part of our own story, one that connects us to each other at our human level of being…

It is not to be ignorant to the shamanic-”commander in chief” (Michael Taussig - Master of Non-Mastery in the Age of Meltdown) of our Nation’s representation… no matter who it is… yet to know how to counter-act what worthiness is complacent in their own leadership - and be able to bring the true leadership of our own essence to the community… from a ‘ground up’ awareness…

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