I knew Kesey pretty well, and certainly knew this bus. In 1969 the Grateful Dead gave Kesey and some of his people and me and some of mine (Diggers) free flights to meet the Beatles in London and see what they were about outside ofr music. It was a high time. Hipsters came from all over Europe to meet us and talk shop—Danny the Red’s people from France, Alexander Vinkenoeg from the Holland Provos. We kicked up a storm and are mostly still at it. At the risk of self aggfrandizement, you might appreciate my book from this time called Sleeping Where I Fall, still in print since 1999. Thanks for reaching out.

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Yup. Reminds me of my four pilgrimages in India, where the Teacher always says, Sing. Dance. Surrender. The full-on overwhelm and difference streaming through me on the streets, in the villages, and in the big cities required an inner stillness. I began to understand this as the baseline of yoga and meditation. I observed young people and elders move with 100 times more freedom than Westerners. They could move through a room filled with people with their eyes closed, sensing the collective. Their smiles were ever-ready. Their rituals for honoring guests and teachers moved me. That so many diversities of religious practices live and grow there is extraordinary. A whole different embodiment is at play in India. It's always good to have a guru when you are there, someone to follow, even if it is your wacky lorry driver.

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Thanks for sharing Cynthia:) How are you experiences from India now being integrated into the chaos of modern America?

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