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Carved woodblock print made by hand by my dear friend Shuier Zhang
Dear friends.
I write to you from the airport in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Today, as we enter the Aquarius New Moon on the dawn of the Chinese New Year, I head to India to join a caravan of merry pranksters to literally hop on a big colorful bus to journey over land for 5 weeks throughout the subcontinent to visit various eco-villages in an effort to further deepen my understanding of how we humans can again live in a way more aligned with Right Relation. I invite you to tag along! I will be posting an update from each location, from the Himalayan regions all the way to the infamous South Indian eco-city of Auroville (roughly one post every three days). And if I can get 10% of my reader base to become paid subscribers by February 1, I will not erect a paywall. (*I still need about 50 more paid subscribers)
Image of Auroville from the sky…
But before we get into that, I feel it’s important to review what “right relation” even is. We discuss it a lot here, but I can see there are many new readers, many of whom might be unfamiliar with the term. As I need to board my flight in a few minutes, instead of writing another essay on the topic (which I love to do!), I offer a link to a discussion recorded recently between myself and Dev lewis, host of the Light Forest Podcast. This conversation was a wonderful adventure and it covers many of the bases. Please Enjoy.
Happy New Year to all my Chinese readers! May you find ways to be prosperous while also giving back to Her Who Feeds Us All.
I hope you will all join me in Momma India for our eco-village caravan!
All blessings:::
Gregory Pettys
I listened to both podcasts of Light Forest while cooking and gardening in Egypt this past week. I appreciate you taking the time to share about seed, and some of the stories you learned from your teachers. I shared about the podcast on my personal FB page as well, hoping to get a few more folks to remember to thank the sun and earth.